John Deere is an internationally renowned brand, known for its wide range of construction, forestry, and agricultural equipment. Their heavy vehicles are especially popular among farmers looking to complete major projects with ease and efficiency. Boasting top-notch materials that promise a long-term solution for users, John Deere remains one of the top choices on the market.
Despite their quality craftsmanship and products, however, some people have reported having issues with malfunctioning exhaust filters. If you’re experiencing this issue too, there are several solutions available to get your product up and running in no time!
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Troubleshooting John Deere Parked Exhaust Filter Cleaning Issues
Keep the Engine Warm
Properly warming up a John Deere vehicle with an exhaust filter not functioning is essential to ensure the engine runs optimally. It is important for the engine to reach the right temperature, as the filter system controls its speed and improves exhaust temperature.
To warm up, keep the machine moving and add some load if needed. The vehicle should be running for approximately 20-30 minutes before it can be considered warmed up enough. Afterward, initiate cleaning by pressing “P” on the labeled button followed by another button, which will bring up a status page with two steps - preparation and cleaning - of parked filter cleaning. During preparation, the engine's speed is controlled to increase its exhaust temperature so that particles can be cleaned from the system when finished.
During this process it is crucial that no motion take place in order for successful completion; PTO must also be turned off and park feature must remain engaged throughout while setting engine speed at low idle level too. Following these instructions will help guarantee proper functioning of your John Deere vehicle’s exhaust filter system once complete.
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Incomplete Service Regeneration
John Deere vehicles are designed with a diesel particulate filter that works to clean itself at regular intervals. However, it is possible for the filter cleaning process to malfunction due to various reasons. One of the common causes is incomplete service regeneration.
Regeneration is an automated procedure in which fuel is injected into the exhaust stream and exhaust temperatures are increased in order to effectively clean out soot from the filters. If this regenerative process does not occur or fails, then the filter will become plugged and potentially cause permanent damage to the vehicle. It is important for users of John Deere vehicles to ensure there is enough fuel before placing it into regeneration mode as this can take over forty minutes.
The second type of regeneration encountered in John Deere engines and filters is called passive regeneration, where engine exhaust temperatures are optimized in order to oxidize PM (particulate matter) from within the filter itself. Active Regeneration serves as a backup system when temperature, speed, and load conditions aren't sufficient for passive regeneration; however, this method takes even longer than typical service regenerations usually taking up fifty minutes or more depending on how heavily restricted your filter may be already.
Management System
John Deere vehicles are designed with an advanced exhaust temperature management system that helps ensure the inlet temperature of the diesel particulate filter (DPF) is higher than what's needed for passive regeneration and active cleaning. Operators can enable both active and parked cleaning through this system, which usually requires cleaning after three to five thousand hours for ash removal from regular operations.
If there is any damage to the exhaust temperature management system, however, it could interfere with proper cleaning and regeneration processes. Therefore, it is recommended that you seek assistance from an authorized OEM dealer to conduct repairs on the system. Once repaired, your filters will be back up and running as expected.
Clogged DPF
The John Deere diesel engine is equipped with a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) that helps reduce emissions from the vehicle. This component captures and stores soot particles produced by exhaust gases, which are then burned off at regular intervals. When the filter becomes blocked, however, it fails to complete its cleaning process. At this point, the DPF warning light on your dashboard will blink; indicating it is time for replacement or professional DPF cleaning services.
Active or passive regeneration can be used to clean the filter but if these methods do not clear clogging, professional help should be sought out in order to ensure all ash and soot particles are removed properly. Forced regeneration only removes ash while leaving any built-up of soot behind; hence why a replacement or professional service may be necessary when faced with this issue. In addition to functioning properly after replacing/cleaning the filter, other benefits such as reduced oil level and smoke emission as well as improved fuel efficiency will also become evident.
Get It Checked
If the filter cleaning feature on a John Deere vehicle is not working properly, it is recommended that an authorized dealer inspect the vehicle to identify and address the root cause. Should the vehicle or any of its parts remain in warranty, customers are encouraged to contact John Deere's technical support team at +1 309-765-8000 who can provide free repair or replacement services.
A Comprehensive Maintenance Checklist for Normal Exhaust Filter Cleaning
To ensure optimal performance and timely filter cleaning, following a maintenance checklist for the John Deere vehicle is key. Some of the important tips include;
Daily Maintenance
John Deere recommends that although it is not possible to conduct in-depth maintenance every day, users should check the fluid and fuel levels before and after usage of the vehicles. Furthermore, they should ensure that all internal components are properly lubricated in order to maintain optimal performance during regeneration processes. Taking these preventative steps will help keep John Deere vehicles running at peak efficiency and reduce wear on engine parts.
Check The Manual
John Deere vehicles come with a manual that is recommended to be read in order to determine the appropriate frequency of maintenance. Furthermore, this manual also provides information on how to change fluids and filters. It is important for John Deere owners to familiarize themselves with their vehicle's manual as it can help ensure that their vehicle remains well-maintained and operational at all times.
Use The Vehicle Properly
John Deere vehicles and equipment must be used correctly in order to make maintenance and repair easier. Misusing the vehicle can cause wear and tear on internal components, reduce its lifespan, and require more repairs. The right attachments for a John Deere vehicle should be selected based on its horsepower and hydraulics. To ensure that the vehicle is running smoothly, it's important to check that the hydraulic fluid level, engine oil level, and fuel tank are all at an optimal level. Doing this ensures that regeneration occurs efficiently without any interruptions or problems with performance.
In conclusion about John Deere Exhaust Filter Problems
John Deere users often face the issue of filter cleaning not working. Fortunately, it can usually be resolved by correcting the fuel level and regeneration mode. However, for any internal components that need to be fixed, it is recommended to hire a professional technician. Moreover, to maintain good performance of your vehicle, make sure you keep up with its maintenance schedule.